Love for design
We select the best brands in an innovative showroom , a reference point for interior design and the sale of furniture and home and office accessories.
Welcome to the ISMEA showroom!
A welcoming place where our customers can find a wide display of the best Italian furniture design brands. Over 900 square meters of exhibition on two floors, one dedicated to home furnishings and the other to proposals for the office.

Ecco come possiamo aiutarti

I pannelli Snowsound sono stati testati, in maniera indipendente, ed è stato certificato che essi rispettano i rigorosi standard di certificazione UL per Greenguard.

I pannelli hanno contenuto di formaldeide non rilevabile, test eseguito secondo la norma UNI EN 717-2.

I pannelli sono stati testati in camera riverberante secondo la norma UNI EN ISO 354 ottenendo la “Classe di Assorbimento Acustico A” in accordo con la norma UNI EN ISO 11654

"What a great person, not only a professional but a very understanding and most importantly a very patient person. Communication was excellent, work ethics were on point and always on call 24 hours a day. I truly recommend him for your project and he does his best to exceed his promise and in fact did more. A pleasure indeed! "