NSVH serviced the local community for 80 years and prides itself on delivering the highest quality care.
North Shore Vet
Coronavirus (COVID-19) – If you have symptoms such as cough, fever or shortness of breath or have been directed by government authorities to self-isolate, please do NOT book an appointment online. Please contact us via phone to discuss your pet’s needs.
New Puppy or Kitten
Adding a furry new pet to the family is a time of much the joy and excitement. There is also a lot to do during this time to make sure that your pet lives a long and happy life.

As well as being a legal requirement in Australia, implanting a microchip give your pets the best chance of being identified and returned to you should they unfortunately become lost or stolen.

Many pets can be microchipped and we strongly recommend this for all cats, dogs and rabbits. A microchip is about the size of a grain of rice and contains a unique identification code for your pet. The microchip is implanted under the skin at the base of your pet’s neck, where it will remain for life

When it comes to a big event like surgery, it is important to know your pets are in good hands. Should the need arise, North Shore Vet Hospital aims to ensure your pet has a safe, comfortable, and successful surgery.

Weight Management
Ensuring your pet maintains a healthy weight can be the key to them leading a long, happy and healthy life. Obesity is a serious health problem in dogs and cats which is likely to decrease your pet’s quality of life and can ultimately reduce their life expectancy.

"Muhammad delivered the project on budget and on time. Some of the best communication I have had with a freelancer, he is always online ready to talk. Also the work was exceptional and was exactly what I wanted. Will be hiring again soon."